How To Wash Your Tennis Shoes 

Are your beloved tennis shoes looking a bit worse for wear? Don't worry, we've all been there. But now it's time to give them some much-needed TLC! I'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to wash your tennis shoes correctly while preserving the integrity of the material they are made from. You'll be able to restore them to their former glory so they can continue to be a trusty companion whether you’re hitting the court or just kicking around town. 

Prepare Your Shoes For Washing 

Start by removing the laces. This will give you better access to all the nooks and crannies of the shoe and make sure no dirt or debris is left behind. If your laces are particularly dirty, you can also throw them in the washing machine with some mild detergent and cold water on a gentle cycle. 

Remove any dirt that may be stuck on the outside of the shoes using a soft brush. Make sure that the insoles are removed from inside the shoe and stored safely away. If there are any stains on the shoe, spot-clean them with a mild detergent before you proceed with washing. 

Wash Gently 

Once your shoes are prepped, place them in a bucket or sink filled with warm water and gentle soap. Use a soft cloth or sponge to scrub gently around the outside and inside of each shoe. Be sure not to scrub too hard as this can damage the material and cause discolouration on certain fabrics. After scrubbing for several minutes, let the soap sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off completely with warm water. 

Air Dry Carefully 

Once you have finished rinsing off all of the soap, set your tennis shoes out in an area where they can air dry without direct sunlight or heat exposure. This will ensure that no damage is done while the drying process takes place and will help maintain colour vibrancy throughout years of wear and tear! Place newspaper in each shoe so that they keep their shape as they dry overnight. 

With these easy steps, you’ll be able to keep your favourite pair of tennis shoes looking like new. It may take some time but following these tips should help you extend the life of your footwear while saving money in the long run. So next time you find yourself needing to clean up your stinky shoes - just follow these simple steps. Happy cleaning!

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