Develop Explosive Leg Strength with these 5 Exercises

This is the first video of an 8-part series on strength, conditioning, and mobility. These exercises are mostly home-based so you can try out during the lockdown period. You will be able to perform these exercises with minimal equipment, as you will be using mostly just your body weight.    

In this video, we look at 5 simple exercises that can help you develop explosive lower body strength on the tennis court:

  • Jump squats

  • Jump lunges

  • Single-leg lunge into knee tuck

  • Chair assisted pistol squats

  • Weighted squats

Strengthen Core Muscles

These simple yet effective exercises can help strengthen your core muscles related to tennis, allowing you to achieve more power in your game.


These exercises improve your muscular endurance by conditioning your key muscles, helping you avoid injuries such as sprains or tenderness.


The exercises help improve your mobility, such as shoulders, hip and wrist rotation, increasing your range of motion on the court.

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